Welcome! This is my webpage for GITA 1. My name is
Nikolaus Yamamoto, and I am currently learning the programming language
C#. I have always enjoyed programming, and I hope to be able to one day use it in the future, or just have
the skills and knowledge to program as a hobby.

Language Project


In this project, I coded a program that when you pressed a button corresponding to a certain language, the "Goodbye" text was translated to that language.

Help Page


In this project I coded a program that was a "Help Page," where it told you about a "business."
You can change the font, the color, and you get to see the features of the program show up.

Mailing Label


In this project , I coded a program where you can input your name, address, and other information. The program then concantenates the information, foramtting it like a mail label.

Car Rental Application


In this project, I coded a program where you can input your personal information, the miles driven on a rental car,
the number of days you rented the car for. It then outputs your information along with the total cost of your rental.

BMI Calculator


In this project, I coded a program where you can input your height and weight and receive your BMI as an output.

Car Rental Upgrade


In this project, I added on to the Car Rental Application, allowing you to now choose the car and even some different features that you would want to
add to your rental (which change the price per day and per mile). It then calculates the total cost of your rental in the same way as before.

Test Score Program


In this project, I coded a program where you can input two test scores (as percentages), receive the letter grade back based on a standard scale, the average of the two scores, and which score is higher.

Dice Program


In this project, I coded a program that upon the press of a button, "rolls" two dice, which are randomly output.
This program then takes the dice roll and adds it to a tally that displays the percentage of each roll sum.

Craps Game


In this project, I coded a program thaat simulates a the casino game craps. Using code similar to the dice program, there are two dice that are being "rolled", and following the rules of craps it outputs when a certain roll wins or loses.

Slot Machine


In this project, I coded a program modeled after a slot machine. There are three boxes that each display a shape,
and once you get three of the same shape, it displays that you have won. It also takes bets, adding it to the grand prize.

Coffee Shop


In this project, I downloaded and coded a program that imitated an oline shop, which allowed you to buy coffee, output your cost, and make other orders once you are finished. This program was a practice an example to the next project.

T-Shirt Shop


In this project, I coded a program similar to many online shopping websites today, although much, much, simpler. You can select what size of shirt you want,
the quantity,and if you want to add certain features on to it. It takes your personal information, and along with the total cost and order summary, outputs it for you to see.

Rock Paper Scissors


In this project, I coded a program where you and a friend can play rock, paper, scissors. It allows Player 1 to select, then covers up their option to let Player 2 select. You can then press the "Shoot!" button, which then displays who won.

Submarine 1


In this project, a submarine was programed to move up and down using random values.
The number of times the top and bottom of the tank is output, and the total move times as well.

NCAA Football College Bowl Series


In this project, I coded a program where you and a friend can play rock, paper, scissors. It allows Player 1 to select, then covers up their option to let Player 2 select. You can then press the "Shoot!" button, which then displays who won.



In this project, I coded a program where you and a friend can play rock, paper, scissors. It allows Player 1 to select,
then covers up their option to let Player 2 select. You can then press the "Shoot!" button, which then displays who won.

Basic AI


This project is coded so the user can control a spaceship using the arrow keys and the spacebar (to shoot). An "AI" alien chases after the spaceship, and if it comes in contact you lose health.



In this project you enter a number value under a certain function or property and it will output the corresponding numbers.



This was a simple project that shows randomly placed labels moving outwards from the center of the form, giving the allusion you are moving a starfield.

Fish Project


In this project, there are around 20 fish on the form, and when they come into contact with the shark,
they die and go to the bottom. And if a fish contacts the hook, it "dies" and is taken along with the hook.

Number Array


This project outputs 5,000 random numbers ranging from 0-5,000, and it shows wha thte greatest, average, and lowest value is.

AI Upgrade


In this project, I upgraded my AI program, adding more aliens that target the ship. The aliens have three lives each, and when they die, they
are taken off the form. Like the previous AI program, you only have a certain amount of health. Scoring is based on how long it takes you to kill all the aliens.

Bee Hive


This is a simple project that consists of a flower and a hive. When you press the spacebar, a bee will spawn on the form, attracted to the flower. When it comes into contact with the flower, it will then go to the hive, and once there, be taken off the form.

Capture the Flag


This is my final project, Capture the Flag. In this game, your goal is of course, capture the flag. There is a two player and a one player mode, each with varying levels of difficulty as you go on.